Cancer support

The Brownlow Health Cancer Support Service aims to support patients throughout their treatment and empower patients to have the confidence and control of their condition by making healthy lifestyle changes to enable successful cancer survivorship.

This Nurse-led service provides prompt and targeted cancer support and advice to patients within two weeks of a cancer diagnosis with continued support throughout each stage of their treatment pathway.

The overall purpose is to promote positive health interventions which can enhance recovery and cancer survivorship.

This approach to cancer support helps to demystify cancer and aims to address fears and concerns which can be a barrier to maintaining health both during and after treatment.

The Nurse provides a central point of contact in the surgery through which patients can obtain advice and support both during and after their treatment which significantly enhances continuity of care.

Useful links:

Just diagnosed? – Cancer Information – Macmillan Cancer Support

Sunflowers | Liverpool Sunflower Cancer Care Centre providing holistic services to patients and families who have cancer.

Macmillan Grants. These are small, mostly one-off payments to help people with costs caused by or related to their cancer.



Admin requests, sick notes, booking certain appointments, and more. 


Find out how to order repeat prescriptions online.


Register as a patient with the practice.