Dental treatment

Please note that we are a GP practice and we do not provide any form of dental treatment, whether for dental abscesses or otherwise.

You can find out about local dental practices by searching on the NHS choices website.

Alternatively, you might want to consider the free dental treatment offered by the University of Liverpool School of Dentistry.  This is provided by dental students under supervision.  Click here to find out more.

Some people with particular needs require the community dental services provided by Merseycare.  Examples might be young children, housebound people, and people with severe mental or physical illness.  This requires a referral from a health professional.

Urgent Dental Problems

If you are currently undergoing treatment with a dentist then please contact your dentist, who is obliged to provide you with access to emergency dental care.

Other emergency options include:

Revive Dental Care- 0161 4769651.  This is a manchester based service commissioned to triage requests for out of hours dental treatment in Liverpool, and provide out-of-hours emergency dental care when necessary. Lines are open 9am until 9.30pm, 7 days a week, including bank holidays.


Admin requests, sick notes, booking certain appointments, and more. 


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