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Dr Ed Gaynor retires

28 years ago, in 1994, Dr Edward Gaynor set up practice with colleague Dr Fergus MacMillan in the old Royal Infirmary on Pembroke Place. They had recognised an unmet need of health care for the local population, which included university students and also homeless and other vulnerable individuals.
Since then, the practice has grown to Brownlow Health as we know it today, with 4 practices across 6 sites in central and south Liverpool, all rated good or outstanding by the CQC, with some having been turned around from being under CQC special measures after coming in to the Brownlow Health family of practices. Throughout this growth those first guiding principles have remained central. To quote one Dr Gaynor’s fellow partners: “Whenever a decision was to be made, Ed would always be asking ‘How does this help the patient?'”
Dr Gaynor officially retires on 31st March, but his last clinical day was earlier this week. He will be sorely missed by both patients and staff.

Content provided by Brownlow Health

Published on Mon, 28 Mar 2022 09:44:49 GMT
Modified on Mon, 28 Mar 2022 09:44:49 GMT