Exercise for health

This is a 12 week programme based at the Lifestyles leisure centres in the city.

Following a one on one induction with a fully qualified instructor a personalised plan is developed for the patient and thereafter for £1 a visit they have access to the fitness facilities, exercise classes and swimming, which is free.

Evidence suggests that helping someone to achieve the recommended guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a week could have significant benefits for their health including:

  • 50% reduced risk of breast & colorectal cancers
  • 40% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • 35% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  • And many other benefits

A recent survey of people enrolled in this scheme has returned impressive results:

  • 75% felt they improved their wellbeing
  • Over 60% said they felt fitter
  • Over 50% of patients felt their health had improved
  • 40% lost weight
  • 20% made new friends


If you would like to be referred for this scheme, please make an appointment with our Health Trainer, or alternatively ask your GP or nurse.


Admin requests, sick notes, booking certain appointments, and more. 


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