Try the NHS App
You can download and use the NHS App if you’re aged 13 or over.
Targeted Lung Health Checks
lung helth checks in liverpool
Know how to get NHS help over the Easter weekend 2022
The local NHS is reminding people that they can still access urgent care over the Easter 2022 bank holiday weekend, especially on Friday 15 April (Good Friday) and Monday 18 April (Easter Monday) when GP practices will be closed.
Cookery on a Budget
Cookery course starting at Newsham and Granby Adult Learning Centre
5 to 11-year-olds invited to get a COVID-19 vaccine
The NHS is inviting children aged 5 to 11 to book their COVID-19 vaccination or visit a local drop-in clinic.
Coil and contraceptive implant service now available
**Appointments available**
Covid-19 spring boosters for most vulnerable
The NHS is offering spring boosters to over 75s, residents in care homes and those with weakened immune systems.
Community Pharmacist Consultation Service
Community Pharmacist Consultation Service
Dr Ed Gaynor retires
Dr Ed Gaynor retires
Student Health Centre closure
Student Health Centre closure
You may notice that our online consultation provider has recently changed from E-consult to Blinx Healthcare, however this has not impacted how we process your requests. Please continue to submit online consultations using our new platform and your query will be reviewed the same day.
Admin requests, sick notes, booking certain appointments, and more.
Find out how to order repeat prescriptions online.
Register as a patient with the practice.